Thursday, January 31, 2013

Back to the hospital we go

I'm pretty sure Caelen has Noro virus and has been battling it for a few days, but it's time to admit defeat and check into the hospital for IV fluids. We are going to children's in DC because its closer, and we just saw our DC cardiologist on Monday.

Pardon me for a minute.... Bleep, bleep, bleepity bleep!!!!

It hasn't even been a whole week since we got out. We must have picked up a few bugs in Philly. Crap.

I'll update later, but the plan is admit thru ER and stay atleast 1 night.


  1. That sucks! You just bleepity bleep bleep all you want! Praying Caelen bounces back quickly and you don't have to stay too long.

  2. Sucks you have to go throught the eternal abyss known as the direct admit? Keep bleeping...because I can't find a time to visit if you keep going back to the hospital! I miss you guys:oP
