It has been one heck of a cold season here in the Gorman household. Pretty much since Caelen started daycare last month, it has been non-stop sickness for Caelen, who is then so kind as to pass on to Martin, myself and our babysitter. My favorite was pink eye last week, only to get it again this week when he got an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. This one is the one that's been the hardest. This is only Caelen's 2nd ear infection, and the poor boy is miserable. It makes me feel helpless because I can't do anything for him.
I took him to the Dr. on Thursday and he gave us the numbing ear drops, but they came with the caveat that said only to use them as a last resort because they have a rare side effect. That rare and almost never seen effect is that they can cause cyanosis (lack of oxygen/blue), trouble breathing and the kids can become lethargic. Well guess who has to be rare.
Fast forward 8 hours later and I can finish this post that was started during nap. We just got back from the ER because the Dr thought Caelen's dropping sats were more likely pneumonia and not the rare side effect. We had a chest xray and nasal swabs for RSV and flu. Thankfully, everything is fine. He just has some nasty viral bug that is taking a toll on him. He gave the same bug to our babysitter and she tells us that she has headaches, body aches, fever, and general suckiness all around. I think we may need to give her a raise, I've lost count of the bugs he has given her.
So right now, we have Caelen back on oxygen which he clearly needs, and this is the same reason that we were allowed to come home. The docs at the local hospital said they would only be giving him oxygen support, so we were free to go. I have a feeling this will be a long night for all. :(
But on a positive note, we saw the cardiologist end of Nov and she did an echo and an EKG and both were fine, no changes. So from a cardiac standpoint Caelen is stable. Now if we could just get the germs under control we'd be good.
For now, I bid you all a quiet, germ free, vomit free night.
Love, Katye, Martin & Caelen
Oh no!! You will all be in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Hopefully you can all be healthy and bug free for Christmas!