Happy Monday everyone! Caelen and I decided to take a road trip about 2 weeks ago and what better place than Florida to visit with my family and friends. My sister Jen flew up to DC and we took the auto train down to Sanford. That was kinda fun. Not a bad way to travel if you get the sleeper car. The trick is to sleep. I
think the next time that the room steward asks us if we want a whole bottle of wine, I may take him up, cause passing out is the only way I can see adults sleeping. But all in all not bad.
waiting for the train to leave |
watching a dvd before bed - Nemo of course |
We have been staying with Jen and her husband Noah and their daughter Lily. This was our first time meeting Lily who is only 7 weeks younger than Caelen. Clearly it was about time! We have been having a blast and the 2 kids are finally starting to get along.
Let me rephrase that, Lily is better tolerating Caelen. Poor guys doesn't understand that you can't just grab everyone's nose or smack them in the face as a form of play. Lily, currently being taught in pre-school that hitting and touching is not nice, is having a harder time with Caelen's form of play. So far so good, only one good claw of the nose and one bite in retaliation and no bloodshed so far.
We also got to see my other sister Kelly and her boyfriend Adam, they flew in from Calgary to be here for the weekend (we have great timing). So it was a Herron girls reunion!! Saturday we went to my Dad's house and had a pool party. Both kids did great and loved the pool. Sunday we took the kids for a carousel ride, kids gym and haircuts, then back for naps. Aunt Kelly took 1300 pictures in 36 hours, so I can't post all of those, but here's a few:
Aunt Kelly and Adam babysitting kids |
Uncle Adam's turn |
blue "tips" in his spiky hair after cut |
eating pretzels and drinking water after nap
The best part of our trip so far is that Caelen has been off of oxygen since we left Maryland, yay Caelen!!!! Aside from a GI bug that he picked up on the ride down, he is doing great! Caelen is also pulling up on everything and cruising along furniture. He's trying crawling too, but that's a little harder. He has made so much progress in the last 2 weeks and we couldn't be happier! Later today we are heading out to stay with my friends the Carpenters down in Boca and I can't wait.
Until the next round of photos, have a great week!
Love, Katye, Martin & Caelen